The Klang Heritage Trail Safari Art Site is located in the back alley of the Selangor Eng Choon Association Building. A safari-themed mural at the 'Heritage Walk' near the Klang Royal Gallery. This project is undertaken by the Klang Municipal Council. Officiated by Datuk Zainal Abidin Abu Hassan on 5 June 2020


I am the largest type of bird and people know me as an ostrich. I can't fly but I can run fast. I am categorized as an omnivorous animal (animal and plant eater) and life expectancy reaches 50 years.

Desert Goat

My name is Ibex nubia (Capra Nubiana). I am a goat that lives in the desert. I have a height of 67–75 cm with a weight of 50 kilograms and have long, spiral horns. I am categorized as a herbivore (plant eater).


I am a male peacock that has colorful feathers and is categorized as an omnivore (animal and plant eater). I am also known as one of the most beautiful bird species in the world and can live between 10-25 years.


I am a horse. I am categorized as a herbivore (plant eater and can drink water from 5 to 10 gallons of water a day, I can sleep lying down or standing up. My life expectancy is between 25-30 years.


I am an owl that is active at night. The head can rotate up to 135 degrees and has a very sharp sense of hearing. This advantage makes it easier for me to hunt at night. I am categorized as an omnivore (animal and plant eater).


I am a rhinoceros which is an increasingly endangered mammal. I have rough, thick, folded, gray skin and have large horns for protection. Life expectancy of up to 60 years or more. I am categorized as a herbivore (plant eater).